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  • Calypso Crane

Are Godzilla and Kong Lesbians?

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I'm going to be honest, this post is a little on the silly side, but being even more honest I will say this is deadly serious. With the recent Godzilla X Kong trailer, there has been some debate, shockingly, about the studio making Godzilla gay, because it has a pink glow in place of its recent normal blue when it uses its powers. This has, naturally, led to speculation of Godzilla and Kong's relationship with each other, as well as their queerness in general - yes, Kong as well. We're here to delve deep into all that and have a fun time, as speculating for fun allows us to engage with content we love in fun and sometimes quite unexpected ways.

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Gender identity is a big thing right now in the world, particularly regarding transgender people like myself. Representation helps greatly to make people like me feel at home in our favorite worlds, and honestly? It does no harm. The concept of lesbian Godzilla and Kong is obviously ridiculous because gender just doesn't matter at all in any of those movies as far as I'm aware, but that doesn't mean we can't have fun speculating. Some of the most fun speculation is created when we look into the parts of a fictional world that obviously don't need exploration - things like wondering about what a slasher character is doing between movies even though it just doesn't really matter.

So it can be fun, but is there actually a precedent at all for gender in Godzilla or Kong movies? Actually yes, there is. Sort of. The official Godzilla Toho account on Twitter/X shared a short during Pride Month 2020 in which Godzilla's child comes out as transgender. It's adorable, and for some people it can be essentially canon, and for others it doesn't have to be, but opening up their world to this kind of thing is just a lot of fun honestly. I would highly recommend you watch the video linked below.

This isn't confirmation of any canon but it is a sign that this type of discussion is welcome with these characters by people making these movies. And to be blunt, if you have a problem with any of this, go ahead and don't read this. I will by no means be talking exclusively about LGBTQ+ issues on Pure Illogicality, but it's a part of life and so I absolutely will from time to time.

Now, onto the pressing questions.

Banner image with text, "Pretty in pink."


Let's start at the beginning, why does Godzilla glow pink now? Why change color at all? Well, the answer to the color changing is likely quite simple: to make it look different to grab people's attention, whether for the movie itself or merchandise, and to get people talking (just like this) about the change. I don't think that needs more explanation, but the pink color specifically has actually been seen before in both Shin Godzilla and Godzilla 2000. This is not a totally new thing for our beloved gargantuan friend, and in terms of the specific color choice, it was probably picked as a reference to either or both of those movies. Alternatively, maybe Godzilla just looks good in pink. I would certainly say so, and doing away with the association his powers have with the generic blue energy beams of countless movies nowadays is more than welcome.

Beyond all that, Godzilla has actually already been orange in the MonsterVerse in King of the Monsters. But what's this, Godzilla changing looks to appear hip and cool? Taking pride in the experience or having a thousand eyes pointed right at itself? And...and...PINK??? That MUST be an attempt to appeal to queer folk and turn Godzilla gay! Well, no, but apparently some people do think this. It's thankfully not a common complaint as far as I have been able to find, but it has come up and it of course begs the question: what is Godzilla's sexuality?

To start that question out, what even is Godzilla's gender? You may have noticed the use of "it" to refer to Godzilla thus far. That's because Godzilla's gender has actually been ambiguous since its creation, and it is only referred to as "it," generally speaking. In english dubs of some of the japanese language Godzilla films, Godzilla is referred to as "he," but given that that's not how the actual writers wrote it, I don't think that works as confirmation. Given the ambiguous gender, it seems either they/them pronouns or it/its pronouns are acceptable for the giant creature, and given that it is something of a force of nature, I think it/its works nicely. Godzilla does however get pregnant in its 1998 film, and though it seems like asexual reproduction, this still could readily imply that Godzilla is actually a woman. She's still not necessarily gay, but could definitely be a woman, and from here on out I'll use she/her for simpicity sake and because it may well be true.

Banner image with text, "What about Kong?"


This is where things get a little more interesting (and perhaps tenuous, but fun!). While Godzilla may be okay with her gender, Kong seems to be having some issues as implied by the new films' referring to Kong as simply Kong. The character has famously been referred to as King Kong, but why the sudden change? Is it possible that this current iteration of Kong doesn't feel comfortable with a term so closely associated with being a man? Well, not really since Kong doesn't speak english, but perhaps it can be read as a sign that Kong is not a man. It's possible that Kong doesn't identify with her gender but simply has no idea people misgender her.

Godzilla does have a very significant example of accepting trans identities, as seen from the official Godzilla Toho Twitter/X account back in 2020. Not to mention that these are both gigantic and fairly unique creatures in the MonsterVerse (though that will be changing somewhat for Kong in Godzilla X Kong: The New Empire), there's not much example for gender norms in their lives so they would have no pressure to follow any.

If you assume this all to be true, which of course none of it is officially confirmed, then simply take a look at the title, Godzilla X Kong. Not only is it a team up, it's one letter from having an xo in there. Okay that's not the strongest evidence, but I do hope you enjoy this consideration of Godzilla XO Kong: The New Empire as much as I do. While completely unofficial, we as viewers do have the power to fill in gaps in our favorite movies with whatever we like. We can author these things to make them a little more fun and while we can't fault anyone for saying we're wrong, they can't fault us for saying we're right because we're working in the undefined space of all of this. This is for fun, but it can genuinely improve enjoyment of these things to include your own canon, especially when those things pay off later.

Hopefully Godzilla XO Kong does come to fruition some day, but for now we're a lot closer than I ever could have imagined. Congratulations to Godzilla and Kong for potentially being the biggest lesbians in the world!

1 коментар

Dustin Brewer
Dustin Brewer
13 лип.

No hopefully it doesn't. It's getting quite pathetic to be honest. Pushing the agenda that far just so you can feel better about yourself is downright ridiculous. You shouldn't give two craps about what people think of you. Nobody has the right to judge you except for the god that made you. Be who you are and do what you do but stop forcing it upon others. That's just as bad as somebody trying to push religion down your throat. Godzilla and King Kong were never gay so stop trying to make them gay. 😁


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